Organizing on a Budget!
To some organizing can seem like an expensive task and to be honest there are households that choose to spend a large amount of money to be organized. If we look at TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, each platform highlights a plethora of videos showcasing large homes that have been organized to the max! Pantries that include hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars, in materials to execute the organization process. While I would have a hard time denying that the results are stunning, I would also have a hard time justifying the expense.
#label #labelmaker #decanters
Having an organized pantry does not necessarily require an abundance of matching decanters, and baskets with labels. What it does require is a little bit of regular effort, and a system. Much like many of the busy spaces within the rest of your home, linen closets, garage and/or basement spaces, bedroom closets, and bathrooms. Organization comes from creating a system and a life ritual that one must be committed to.
I love to move, I have lived in homes that have ranged from 4000 - 900 sq. feet and one thing has always remained consistent living clutter free, and organized. I can honestly assure you that a large home does not automatically allow you to be organized and tidy, nor does a smaller home require you to live without, or automatically appear disorganized. The consistency of ensuring you have a system in place to keep your items organized is what wins every time!
If you are looking to declutter and organize on a budget I would love to provide you some tips:
Be brutally truthful with yourself when decluttering. If you have items in storage that are boxed, such as overflow dish wear, platters, serving trays, juice jugs, punch canisters, old Tupperware. You need to part ways with it! If you are in the position to donate, start with friends and family members, ask if they know of anyone just starting out on their own and would really appreciate some items to get them started, maybe your good friend has a niece that is going off to college and could use some extra kitchenware. The main idea behind decluttering, if you have not used the items in 6 months or more, YOU DON’T NEED IT!
If you are interested in recouping some money for your lightly used items there are many ways to sell these items now a days. There are consignment stores for furnishing and household items, as well as many for clothing! Yard sales are a great option, as are online platforms such as local community groups, Facebook market place and Kijiji (please always be safe when meeting with strangers).
Now that you have earned some money by selling items you no longer need – you may have never needed it to begin with (wink wink) You can put some of that money into organizing items, such as shelving for your garage, bins for your pantry, or lovely baskets for your linen closet.
If you have purchased items such as containers, bins, or baskets in the past, this is a great time to repurpose them. Like I mentioned earlier being organized is a ritual, it requires regular effort. That means purging and decluttering regularly, returning all items to their place consistently and making a conscious effort. You may find that you already have the items you need and now that you have eliminated unnecessary pieces from your home and thrown away things that are taking up space, you just may have enough tools to keep organized.
In turn, having an organized home will SAVE you money. You will not likely be as inclined to purchase items you already own if you can locate them easily. Knowing that your bin is full of toothpaste over stock, or that you have 6 packs of scotch tape in your desk drawer will save you time and reduce the need to over spend. Also, when your home is clutter free you will feel enticed to keep it that way, therefore you will contemplate before you impulse buy.
If all of the above seems overwhelming or you feel as though you still need additional support, or you are simply not achieving the results you have envisioned, you may want to consider bringing in a Professional. There are many companies that specialize in decluttering and Professional Organizing. It may be worth the money to bring in someone to assist. Many Organizers such as myself offer maintenance plans as well. Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual touch up visits to help you stay on track.
Every minute spent organizing is an hour earned!